Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Update: Moving Apartments~!

So, posting reviews has taken a little bit of a hit for me right now, but there is a very important reason...


I have been working hard to secure a new apartment for the last couple of months and now it is officially mine and I have a couple of weeks to move all of my stuff.

Needless to say, I'm a bit busy.

There is also one other thing. My new place... it won't have internet until at least August 14th (unless I borrow money from someone to get it set up). So... even though I will be reading and writing reviews, I may not be able to post them up for a while.

I may schedule up a few while I still have internet (and a couple of blog tours as well), but the speed will obviously go down for a couple of weeks.

So... consider me on a sort of semi-hiatus.

And wish me luck with OPERATION LIVE WITHOUT TRUE INTERNET (because phones don't count).


Unknown said...

Congratulations for having a new apartment! I've just recently moved myself and it was one hectic experience. I had to triage everything, then box and move, which definitely made me feel older with a sore back to boot. Hahaha! Anyway, I hope your moving will not be that difficult. Fill your new abode with lots of new and wonderful memories. All the best!

Arlene Keller @ Scott Sauer

Sam said...

@Arlene: Thank you! I'm kind of lucky because I have yet to accumulate much stuff while I've been here, and since I don't have a car and can't afford to rent a mover it' lucky that my new place is only a 15 minute walk from the old XD I biked and walked a lot of suitcases back and forth for days. Haha.

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