Sunday, June 29, 2014

Japan Interlude: Morning Musume '14 Again

I've mentioned my love of Morning Musume '14 here, but seriously guys I devote almost as much time to keeping up with this group and being generally super geeky about them that I do reading/reviewing books.

Case in point was today. I went to what is called a "Cheki-kai" Cheki are are tiny polaroid pictures and a "Cheki-kai" is an event where you can go and get your photo taken with singers/idols.

I acquired a ticket for this via buying a box set. This is Haruka Kudou, and we just played some Rock Scissors Paper, and I totally won.

Of the girls, Haruka and Haruna are the biggest readers. Haruka is into Shonen manga, she has a huge One Piece obsession, while Haruna is into pretty much any manga she can get her hands on. She actually writes a column in a magazine reviewing and recommending her favourites. Her all time favourite manga, however, is JoJo (which never took off in the west, but is the longest running series in Japan, if I remember correctly).

Haruna is awesome, because she has no problem showing how geeky she is, despite being an idol.


Anonymous said...

I love that group too. There are so many members and this bit of information is cool, I really didn't know. I'm also really happy you got to meet them. Thanks for posting & sharing! (:

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